urban literary-knot

‘Looking for Mr Goodvegetable’… November 2, 2007


It’s slightly ironic that I’m living in the city, close to Lake Michigan, and yearning restlessly to head back “to the country”; writing about urban irks and how irritating Wisconsin is for the most part. 

What country exactly I’m bemoaning about, more and more is continuously becoming less and less- that’s for certain.  When I take the occasional drive back to my childhood haunts I see McMansion’s rising up all over the those ‘ol farmlands.  

When we first moved “out there” as kids from the city, there were still wild turkeys in our backyard, pheasants galore, and the memories of cross-country skiing for endless stretches of snow-packed miles- it was great to have that kind of childhood abundance and freedom.

In this economy I’m constantly amazed at the cha-ching spilling over, and the sources for many of these endeavors is certainly questionable… all in the name of continued “growth and progress”- yadda-yadda..   

For all the “green” talk, you certainly don’t see much pause to reflect on the McMansion-builders and buyers side, the microcosm/macrocosm is quite blantant even if you are “too busy” for that type of  mental withdraw.

Only a few chapters into Barbra Kingsolver’s Animal, Vegetable, Miracle: A Year of Food Life  and admittedly, I’m completely taken up by the family’s adventure thus far..

Feel free to comment and discuss if you’ve already had the pleasure.


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